Our Services

At greentech Solutions, we provide unique and reliable, high quality services which include all of the stages involved in planning, installing and up keeping solar energy production systems. Greentech Solutions is a Startup, company geared to identifying your needs and providing you with efficient low cost solar energy systems, solutions and products. We are confident that by using our recommended solar energy systems you will be saving money and energy from the beginning.


Fitting the right system for you

We’re aware that installing a solar energy production system is a substantial investment. Nevertheless, a meeting with our consultants will show you that this investment is worthwhile and economic, aside from being a positive environmental decision. Greentech provides consulting services for individuals, businesses and institutions who are interested in installing a solar energy production system, and fits every customer with a system tailored to his needs. Our consumer energy consumption table will help to determine your energy needs in real time.


Maintaining high quality service

We are obligated to provide you with the highest quality of service. As partner of world leaders of the field of solar energy we are obligated to the highest standards in the field.Our factory partners generally control and produce all parts and process of each item to ensure an easy maintenance and after sales service.Our technicians and engineers on ground receive accurate information to maintain high level quality to end users.


Comprehensive service

Although installing a solar energy production system may seem as a long and complicated process, we enable you to produce efficient and environmental energy with peace of mind. In addition to fitting and installation, our services include taking care of all of the bureaucratic aspects that have to do with the installation as well :

  • Compatibility test held by an engineer.
  • Acquiring the necessary permits.
  • Electrician examination.
  • Representation facing the electric company.

Additional services

In addition to the standard systems, in order to drive the most out of your system, you can purchase tracking devices and performance monitoring programs. The tracking device allows the solar panels to face the sunlight all day long. Performance monitoring programs can provide you with the necessary information which will allow you to enhance your energetic performance.


Service and warranty

We at Greentech Solutions will accompany you from the beginning with routine services and warranty for the different components. Here are few of the varied services we offer :

  • 24 hours 7 days service upon demand. We guarantee to respond and provide immediate service and support upon demand and need.
  • Annual system checks provided.
  • Warranty for components : panels (25 years), inverter (5 years), and other components (5 years) compressors (10 years)

We are a small size company with a wide base of support in parts, technical knowledge and know-how etc.

 We take care of your project, we take care of you !!! 

Our advantage is to help you identify your needs. In planning a project we will help you by offering several solutions to you that differ in budget and commitment. You will be saving energy and funds right from the start.